Wednesday 11 September 2013


It was really good to meet you all today and I think the room with a projector search and the desk-arranging, team-building activities, certainly paid off!   This was evident from the discussion of history from the quotations supplied, which was extremely engaging. It was really interesting hearing what your own views were and I was most impressed by your collective enthusiasm!  Hopefully the room situation will have settled down by next week.  

In the meantime, should you need to contact me, I can be found in the Staff Development Centre and/or  by using the email I supplied. 

What do you think of my house?  It takes me ages to maintain the white walls and there are always people sitting on my lawn!  Ah well noblesse oblige as we say in Manchester!

Please feel free to comment and/or add more information here.


  1. Haha yes, It was a really interesting lesson. Has made me think about alot of things, and has me looking forward to the future lessons.

    Where is this house? Haha, there is similar in Bramhall Park which is quite a nice place to visit.

  2. Yes it does look similar to Bramhall Hall. It's called Little Moreton Hall In Cheshire. It's a great place; very historic with plenty to see. Well worth a visit.

  3. I'm really pleased you enjoyed the lesson today. Looking forward to future lessons with you all over the coming academic year.

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